Thursday, October 9, 2014

Best friend

Dear my bestfriend,
did you know that i really miss you?
i miss the old of us.
did you know its hurt when you changes suddenly.
i don't even know the reason.
did i do something that hurt you?
i'm really sorry if i make you hurt.
did i make you mad?
i don't even know. forgive me.
did i make you sad?
i hope i can make you happy back.
did i make your heart hurt?
im sorry, really sorry.

Dear my bestfriend,
did you know that i heart you so much?
did you know that i adore you?
did you know that i love you?
did you know that i care for you?
yeah, maybe you don't even know.

Dear my bestfriend.
i miss the way we talk.
i miss the way you laugh.
i miss the way you smile.
i miss the way you make me calm.
i miss the way you make me happy.
i miss the way you try to make me smile while im crying.
i miss the way you staring at me.
i miss the way we shared our story.
i miss the way you cry when you see me crying.
i miss the way you mad
honestly i miss everything about you.
and i hope you miss me too :')

everyday i wait for you.
everyday i wait to share my happiness and sadness.
everyday i wait you to ask me that am i okay or not.
everyday i pray that we can be back to normal.
everyday i pray that you will always happy there.
everyday i wait for your wish like always.
everyday i wait for your call.
i swear its hurt me and you don't feel it.

For my dearest best friend, i really hope you will always remember me. even i know, maybe you already forget about me.I hope you are happy with your other best friend. thanks cause came into my life. you make my life bright and happy. I hope one day, Allah will wish my prays. i hope you will be like before. i will wait for it no matter what happen. but if i go first, forgive all my wrongs and halalkan all things or food that  you have gave to me. Don't remember to pray :')

Thursday, September 4, 2014

holla everyone :)

 Assalamualaikum semua! :) Well macam mana korang semua? Hope y'all sihat sihat dan bertambah cantik comel hahaha . Okay dah start nak merapu (garu kepala ). So , here i am . Dah lama gila kot tak update blog ni . I mean tak ada la sampai gila betul  hahaha . Tapi memang dah lama la kan . Bertahun dah tak update (eh ye ke?) lantak pi la kan? so hari ni sesi mengemas kembali blog tercinta . Yang kelakarnya pasal biodata tu dah berapa tahun tak tukar . Tak silap since form 3 . Bapak lama gedabak tak update . Hai laaa betapa busynya ko fiy~ so sekarang kita nak cerita pasal apa ? (termenung sat) oh yaa , sekarang fiy dah masuk u . Bukan awak okay , i mean Universiti . Dekat mana ? Dekat Terengganu jugak iaitu Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin . sesiapa nak melawat tu dialu alukan . ecececeh , bajet ada kan ? hahaha . Nanti fiy cerita pasal dekat 'u' pulak , cerita pasal bilik , pasal kawan , pasal makan and so on . Wait yaa , sekarang penat la nak taip pepanjang . Maklumlah baru sudah mengemas  (bajet guna banyak tenaga) . So pendekkan cerita i miss my blog even my blog was not pretty . hahaha . Jumpa lagi y'all . Takecare !

Thursday, December 22, 2011

PMR is over.

okey. hari ni, hari yang ditunggu tunggu oleh semua budak yang berumur lima belas tahun di Malaysia.

ye laah, kan hari ni result PMR keluar.  and i don't get straight A. OO HEMM GG.

 hahaha. terkejut laa jugak sikit sikit heee :3

okey. dah nama tak ada rezeki kan. terima saja lah.

 kepada kawan kawan yang dapat straight A  tu tahniah .

i'm being jealous with you. heee. just kidding. my brain just not working very well . haha XD

my dream have destroy. err. don't want to talk about this.

byebye :')

Saturday, December 10, 2011


salam semua.hari nie nak post pasal phone. ermm memang sakit hati la kalau nak cakap pasal phone phone nie. hahaha. sebelum tu pelik ke kalau seseorang tu tak pakai or tak ada phone? bagi saya tak ada la pelik mana pun. ialah sebab saya sendiri tak pakai phone. heee. soo stop tanya or nak mintak no phone saya okey? sebab anda hanya membuang masa begitu sahaja plus buat sedih jea. siapa lah tak nak pakai phone ? semua orang nak pakai kan? termasuk laa diri ini. ececeh buat ayat gedik.hihi. kalau boleh nak pakai sangat sangat. tapi, nak buat macam mana tak boleh pakai. uwaaaaaa. sedih err. dah puas pujuk abah. tapi jawapan sama jea dapat. tunggu adik dapat straight A abah beli la. can i get 8A? i hope soo. insyaallah. kawan kawan pulak kebanyakan tak percaya yang 'budak' ni tak pakai phone. nak buat macam mana kan? redha jea lah. paling tak suka masa dalam kereta la, abang kakak semua main henset. budak nie pulak kelip kelip jealous tengok diaorang main. err. ada kawan saya tu dapat hadiah daripada kawan dia jugak. hadiah phone beb ! bertuah dia dapat kawan macam tu. saya pn ada jugak berangan kawan kasi phone kat kite. hahaha! entah pape punya berangan . mesti tak dapat punya kan? tak payah duduk berangan la sangat. >< tapi berangan dapat membuang segala perasaan sedih tu. heee. tak percaya? try la buat. if i can buy a phone, saya nak jenis  sony ericsson. hehe. tengok? berangan sekali lagi. okey laa, malas dah nak tulis pasal phone. buat bertambah sedih ada laa.

hewhew ♥

comel kan phone nie? ♥

comeeeeel ! ♥

red one ♥ okey nak yang ni ! fullstop. can i ?